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How to protect electrical wires from rats

How to protect electrical wires from rats

Rodents are known to chew constantly. They have to do this because their incisors are constantly growing and they have to sharpen their teeth. Rodents, i.e. rats, can cause damage to electrical equipment if they expose wires after chewing on the coatings due to their instinct to chew and tear. Exposure of the wires can lead to short circuits or fires.

Another reason mice chew on wires is that they get in the way. Rodents and other animals tend to move around very efficiently when they are on the move. Therefore, if a wire gets in their way, they will try to chew on it so they can move more easily.

A third reason (or theory) for these animals to chew on wire is that they already know that food is usually stored in plastic containers. Therefore, they chew on the plastic in the hope of finding food.

Whatever the reason, the truth is that the pests will not go away and will continue to infiltrate the electrical system. Here are five ways to keep rats from damaging your wiring.

No. 1: Stop rats and mice.
The best way to prevent rats from chewing through your wiring is to stop them from causing this damage. This can be done in several ways.

First, make sure the area around the cables is free of trash and debris. Rats and mice are always looking for places to nest. The cleaner an area is, the less likely they are to take up residence.

Damaged Ethernet cables

Seal the hole
Rats can enter a building through holes as small as 1/4 inch. Therefore, to prevent rodent entry, identify and seal all entrances to the building. Weak spots and rotting wood are also potential entry points for rodents to enter the structure.

Restrict access to the roof
There is no reason to allow rodents easy access to your building. Prune branches and plants hanging from the roof or growing next to the building.

Remove trash
Store biodegradable waste (food) in containers inaccessible to outdoor pests. Nothing encourages mice more than the smell of free food.

Use insect repellents
Commercial repellents can deter rodents from entering an area. Some spray repellents mimic the scent of predators, such as coyotes and bobcats. Others come in sachets or bags and have a pleasant scent (peppermint, eucalyptus, etc.).

No. 2: Make sure wires are secure
Some places, such as college campuses and sports stadiums, will always attract rodents. If it is not possible or difficult to keep rodents away, the best solution is to secure the wires.

One way to secure cables is to set them in concrete. Rodents cannot get through concrete. Even a thin layer will protect the cable.

A second option is to run the cable through steel conduit or sheathing. Like concrete, rodents cannot chew through it, so the cable remains safe in these enclosures.

A similar idea is to run the cable through a plastic tube. It also protects the cable from bites or nibbles. However, whether steel or plastic, make sure there are no gaps or entrances in the cable, as tight spaces are a good opportunity for rodents to nest. Rodents will chew through the cable if they can get in, and that's exactly what you want to avoid.

No. 3: Stand your ground
One of the reasons rats chew through wires is that they are trying to get through them so they can move around effectively. Therefore, if the wire goes through a hole or a beam, the rodent may chew through it to make its way through. However, if the cable is flat or runs across a beam, rodents are likely to ignore it.

No. 4: Look at the material
Manufacturers are under pressure to develop biodegradable products. For this reason, some manufacturers are now producing wires with soy-based coatings. Apparently, rodents find this coating particularly attractive. In fact, it is environmentally friendly.

No. 5: Obstacles
Cones have been used since the 18th century to prevent rats from wandering along cables. Modern adaptations, such as ConeStop , do the same. Rats run through pipes because they are a good route through buildings. But if you get in their way, the animals will go somewhere else where they can move more freely.

Apparently, this method works and keeps the rats away from the wires.


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