How do you test a rectifier with a multimeter A diode is a semiconductor device that allows current to flow in only one direction. It is often called a rectifier because it "rectifies" alternating current and converts it into pulsating direct current. Diodes are widely used in the circuits of household appliances, such as microwave ovens. Together with a capacitor, the microwave diode doubles the voltage of the transformer that supplies current to the magnetron (the element that produces the microwave radiation). On a circuit diagram, the symbol for a diode is a triangle on a straight line, with its apex pointing in the direction of current flow. When the diode is operating, only very little current flows in the opposite direction, preferably none at all. One end of the diode with the triangle pointing is the negative or cathode terminal and the opposite end is the positive or anode terminal. It is important to note the polarity of the diode, because if it is placed in a circ...